If you're an internet addict. And you're on diet, then come closer. I have something to tell you.
- Avoid Looking at Food Pictures
- Drink Gallons of Water
As a matter of fact, you can lose 0.5kg a day! But you need to drink a lot of water. Like, 3 liter a day. I know it's water weight, you'll gain it back... bla bla bla... But, you want a motivation right? Just drink!
- Make Yourself Sweat
There's also a trick to do a sauna at home. For those who really really don't wanna move. Or, if you have winter at your place. You need a chair, a blanket, and a bucket of boiling water. Just go sit on the chair, wrap yourself in the blanket and place the bucket of boiling water underneath your chair. And then, let the magic happen!
I've always chose crash diet. I know most of people would say it won't work and everything. But i guess they're just jealous cos we'll lose so much weight on this. And i think they've never even tried it.
I'm always on crash diet whenever i feel like losing weight. Cos it takes a little time and it shows result almost immediately.
The last time i tried it. For a month of drinking only mocha, coffee, chocolate, and plain water, a lil bit of yoga... i lost 10kg. But i also took multivitamin. And laxative once in a while. Maybe it sounds bad. But for someone who've been in this situation, i don't feel like a torture at all. In fact, i feel lighter and soooo much healthier. I feel pretty! And everyday when you get on the scale, you can see the number is dropping. And it feels so good. You'll definitely get your daily motivation just by looking at the number.
So, don't be afraid to try crash diet. It works! Besides, the only thing that stops you from continuing a diet is MOTIVATION.
I can't imagine myself setting a whole three months for a slow healthy diet. And you can only weigh yourself once a week. I cannot do that. I'll weigh myself everyday. And the result wouldn't be good. When the results aren't good, i'll start to lose motivation. And the whole diet plan will go into the bin.
My style of crash diet is by consuming only
liquid. Anything at all. As long as it's a liquid. You hungry, you
starving, you full - everything on liquid. I don't count calorie. But
don't forget your multivitamin.
So, guys, lets crash diet. It don't have to be 20kg a month! Just set a target like, 3kg a week. Or 10kg in a month. It's not a burden. Everyone can do it.
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