Friday, November 26, 2010

Treat Urinary Tract Infection Instantly

I don't know how in the world i got infected with this 'blissful' pain. It feels like banging your head on the wall. I thought this pain is designed for men. JUST MEN. But.. And i've always know that my father always have sachets of drink to treat this sh*t in store. But i'm just too shy to tell him that.

Okay! So, here is the remedy. And i believe it's the best remedy of all. Even if you stuck in the middle of uncivilized country, you can still do this.
Alright, you went to the toilet and feel the unbearable pain? Wait no more, go grab a jug and fill them with plain drinking WATER and drink it right away. Make sure to drink AT LEAST 1 liter of water. Well, if you could drink one galon, then go ahead. That'd be much better. ^^

The next time you go to the toilet, you'll be ready for the pain. But be surprised! It'll all gone!  ^^V

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Movies I'm Currently in Love With and End of Second Manuscript

Well, i'm officially sent my manuscript today. Not the whole manuscript. But the summary and a little description of the characters.
i'm happy cos i made it. one burden has been lifted out of my shoulders. now i'm collecting ideas for my third manuscript. hoping to get three done by this end of year. hopefully.

as a reward, i watched Princess Mononoke this afternoon. i never thought i'd love the movie this much. my oh my! i love it so bad. i'm addicted to it. feeling like wanna watch it over and over and just never take my eyes off of them. i still have the image of Prince Ashitaka in my head. how great that guy was. his love for San is totally blown me away. i love them both. i love the way the plot has been arranged. they're in love. but it's not overrated and everything's just perfect. if you have time people, i recommend you to watch it. please... it's good. it's one of the seven wonders and you can't die before you watch this. it's a masterpiece!

i love all of Hayao Miyazaki's films! i've wathed some of them. started with Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, My Neighbour Totoro, Tales From Earthsea and now the Princess Mononoke. Nausicaa of The Valley of The Wind is on the waiting list. but it needs to be waited. it's gonna be another reward for me. maybe for finishing 10 chapters of my new manuscript? hmmm... we'll see...

oh yeah! another one that i would highly recommend to you people is The Pursuit of Happyness. That movie is just awesome! i love it to death! i was so inspired after watching it. reminded me of my life. how hard life could be sometimes. and... at times when i thought of the character, Chris Gardner facing big troubles in life. which is coming and pouring to him, i thought, if it happens to me, i'd rather strangle myself to death. but Chris keeps holding on and he's so great. i love this guy who never give up and never cry a single tear upon the hardness he gets. except for a night of fear when he's homeless and sleeping in a public bathroom. he's my idol! i love that movie so much! i can't believe it happens in real life. the image of Chris carrying the bone scanner is still lingering in my mind. i pity them. and i wish i could be as strong as him whenever i'm in pain. he made it through the hardship and he did it with full of pride. i'm so proud of this guy. God, i love this movie so bad!

but, yeah... when you feel like you're at the bottom of your feet. you're in pain or your in trouble with money. you should watch it. you'll ended up thinking about the world around you. it'll open your eyes and be grateful of your life.

that's all for now. gute nacht!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Plot for MyThird Novel

Thank You God for giving me ideas to write almost 50% plot of my next novel today. I'm happy! Well, i'm always like this. Whenever i'm at the corner of sending my current manuscript to publisher, the new novel's ideas will keep pouring in my mind. I can't stop it. I just can't resist cos it'll be forgotten soon. So everything i could ever think of, i'll write it like some kind of worms and 'codes' and sometimes with doctor's handwriting, cos i want to be fast, don't wanna lose any of the ideas. So, I'm happy now that i managed to write 50% of it (chronologically). Included the non-chronological, it could be up to 80% done. Whoa! I'm happy.

My third novel is something cool to write. I just can't wait to start writing it. I'm sure it'll be nice. It's more dramatic. With twisted love stories (though i don't really like a direct love stories, but that's what markets want!) and some family and countryside stories. I just can't wait to start it. It must be blissful writing it. I hope I won't have so many writer's blocks in this third project. I want to set a target.


Sounds crazy huh? Well, it's a challenge folks!

As for the second novel. I'm done with the marking. Currently i need to continue making corrections on the pages at the back. And needs to put an ending to it. Which may be need two days. If i do it constantly. Which could only works once in a blue moon. (Yea, sometimes i'd go crazy like that when i'm depressed or something. I'm crazy. Haha...)

Huhhhhh... Can't wait to finish the second novel and start writing the third!