Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Trouble in Paradise

So last night he told me, 'I'm not happy.'

What would be your reaction when someone told you that? In my mind, i knew its about job. He told me, nobody can accept him. He cannot fit in. People look down on him. People judged him.

When we talk about this. We always go back to the time when we were chatting. We met online. After only about one week of saying hi, he already told me he wanted to marry me. And i rejected him so many times.

I dont know why but he really determined about coming here. Until later i found out, the reason was only to sleep with me for one night and to have a wife that looks chinese. He canceled his plan to migrate to canada only because of these foolish plans.

And now, 8 months later, he is in depression. Apparently the grass looks greener on the other side for him.

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