Monday, July 27, 2020

r broke her hand

- people would blame us cause it happened in our room
- r is stubborn, crying non stop, very spoilt
- I wasn’t there cause i cared cos if it happened to us, z won’t be as concerned. for sure.
- I neglected my own child for her child
- I wanna be away so much. Not because I don’t wanna help but because of how insignificant my presence was.
- I should prioritise a more than anything
- shouldn’t be desperate for friends like what m was aiming for. Cause r is a bad influence 
- a is a sponge and he absorbed everything he saw
- we should be away from here
- at least not together like this
- i love a more than anything in the world
- he’s so naive and when he’s around people can’t help feeling so hateful towards him cause he is so not into the situation
- he doesn’t know what’s going on. He thinks it’s okay to always be funny and smiling. 
- we should put him away from everyone. You want friends you go find them at school 

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