1. Breastfeeding. Very important. Make yourself ready for this. Not as easy as you might thought. Your current nipples will be gone. Your nipples will get a new look. It'll be sore for a few days. Second, if you have inverted nipples, start preparing now. Get those nipples out. Buy yourself a tool to suck it out. Do it!! I have this problem. My left nipple is inverted. Now i only feed my baby with my right boob. And my left boob is noticeably smaller than the right one.
2. Formula milk. Buy one small packet for emergency. I couldn't feed my baby the first night we're home. It was awkward. I didn't know how to make him latch. I was tired from the labour. So my baby cried out of hunger. You don't wanna let your baby suffer like that.
3. Jaundice. Like it or not, baby will get jaundice. It was difficult. This new person in your life. You're still getting used to him. You want all those moments to be cool and relaxing. But you cannot. Because you have to worry about him. You need to bring those bilirubin level down. So be prepared to WAKE YOUR VERY SLEEPY BABY every two hours and force feed him 2 oz of milk. Every two hours! It'll happen at 3rd or 4th day. Nurse would force you to bring him to hospital and would come all the time to check on him. The pressure from them just killing me. So, give him as much milk as you can. Once he get used to being fed a lot, he'll request for more milk. His jaundice will be gone. Then he'll start gaining more weight.
4. Episiotomy cut. Take care of it. Dab that flavine on it. Make sure your stools are soft. If you have to take laxative, then do it. Anything. Second night home, i was constipated in the toilet. Result from the pushes - my cut was swollen, blood was dripping from it as I push my stool out. The cut was really swollen.
5. Episiotomy cut really takes away all the joy of being a new mom. Your moves are slow, limited. You can't breastfeed your baby the way you want. Can't hold him the way you want. I think giving birth vaginally and ceasarian is not much different anymore. Vaginally is more damaging. Seriously it is. You have a scar down there. Your vagina is not the same anymore. It changes forever.
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