Thursday, May 28, 2015

Edge of Tomorrow Review

IMDB rating: 7.9
Synopsis: When Earth falls under attack from invincible aliens, no military unit in the world is able to beat them. Maj. William Cage (Tom Cruise), an officer who has never seen combat, is assigned to a suicide mission. Killed within moments, Cage finds himself thrown into a time loop, in which he relives the same brutal fight -- and his death -- over and over again. However, Cage's fighting skills improve with each encore, bringing him and a comrade (Emily Blunt) ever closer to defeating the aliens.

Brilliant movie! I watched it twice. Some people might think it's stupid after reading the word 'alien'. I know. I am one of that person. Alien themed movie is just too absurd for me. But wait, this is not your ordinary ridiculous alien movie. It actually didn't even care much about the alien. It's just about the major who had to die and relive again and again.

Watching this movie is like you're playing a game. You died and you got the chance to have another life over and over again. It must be inspired from a gamer's point of view. It's just brilliant. You won't get bored watching this.

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