Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Still Alice

About a very intelligent woman who is suffering alzheimer's from her genes. This movie follows her through her journey on preparing for her future days. She tried to memorize things. Work out. Playing brain games to exercise her brain. Reminders on her phone. But this disease is just cant be cured.

I love this movie because it opened up my eyes on how crazy alzheimers can be. I had a family member who suffered alzheimers. She is already dead. But it was a miserable life for her. She became a laughing stock in every family gatherings. Even her own close family hated and scared of her. They built her a cage. She drank detergent liquid. She played with her own poops. She spoke with reflections in mirror. She did many unthinkable things. And she died in a terrible condition.

I rate this movie 7 out of 10. :)

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