Monday, October 22, 2012

Understanding Vampires

Before my grandmother died, she had a dream and she screamed to my mother to run. When asked, she said the house was on fire. And my mother believed that's the sign. The sign that she's gonna 'leave' home.

Today i had a dream and it's about the same. I don't believe in spiritual beliefs. But i do believe our body can detect a vision of future. Even if it's in a matter of seconds. Again, it's not that i truly believe that i'm gonna die.

And again, it doesn't mean that i don't wanna die. Or i'm afraid of dying. I do have fears of dying. But i have complete different view of death now. And it doesn't scare me much as before.

It's just that, i'd rather be the one who dies than seeing the ones you love die. It's really unbearable. It leaves you with guilts, memories, unachieved dreams, regrets, many sleepless nights... and it's so painful.

Now, i understand vampires. Why they don't like their immortal lives. We always heard they said they hate seeing their loved ones died. And i know what they mean now!

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