Tuesday, September 3, 2019

4th Birthday

Tomorrow is your birthday. It is such a big deal because this year is the last year you’ll wake up late with us. You roam around the house free. Aimlessly. Keep calling me mummy mummy mummy till I’m tired of you. These moments won’t repeat again.

Next year you’ll go to school and the bullet train speed will start. Time will pass very quickly. At the end of it mummy and daddy’s already old. And suddenly in one blink of an eye you finished school and ready for adulthood. I could cry just thinking about it.

I wish I appreciate more time with you. Feels like I didn’t take enough photos of you. Didn’t have enough conversation with you. Didn’t teach you enough. Didn’t pay enough attention to you. I am really sorry for everything I’ve done and everything I didn’t do. I am not a perfect mother. I wish i could be better. So much better. You have a lot of potential. I wish i could protect you more. Give you a better life.

I wish you’ll make many friends and be loved by everyone. I wish you to be a fast thinker and great at making conversation. I wish you to be an excellent decision maker cause really that’s the most important thing in life. Making the right choice. I wish you to be happy and get to do what you love in life. Have courage and i will always love you no matter what. Happy birthday baby.

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