Sunday, December 16, 2018


It’s been one year since i started the business. Roughly my income this year is around 84k. So so proud of myself. Only one year it took to change a person and our whole life as a family. I’ve gained so much confidence. I gave little to no fucks to damn people no more. I’ve NO time to think about others. Life has been busy. Days are filled with activities. It has empowered me soooo much!

Next year i am finally gonna set foot in turkey. I have many more dreams to achieve. 

Along the way in this one year period I’ve realised how things changed. Like i have less time with my baby. We read less books. I spent more time on the phone. I wish i could manage my time better. 

My hope for next year i want to expand my business. More ds. Better tricks and strategies. To teach my baby how to talk. To spend more time with him.

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