Sunday, December 16, 2018


It’s been one year since i started the business. Roughly my income this year is around 84k. So so proud of myself. Only one year it took to change a person and our whole life as a family. I’ve gained so much confidence. I gave little to no fucks to damn people no more. I’ve NO time to think about others. Life has been busy. Days are filled with activities. It has empowered me soooo much!

Next year i am finally gonna set foot in turkey. I have many more dreams to achieve. 

Along the way in this one year period I’ve realised how things changed. Like i have less time with my baby. We read less books. I spent more time on the phone. I wish i could manage my time better. 

My hope for next year i want to expand my business. More ds. Better tricks and strategies. To teach my baby how to talk. To spend more time with him.

Friday, September 28, 2018

topics that excites me

Ancient civilisations 

self employed

It’s everyone’s dream to own a business and be their own boss! But when you’re really self employed and online based. You’d become too afraid to leave your job.
- no one can really take your place

Saturday, June 16, 2018


Another crazy unfortunate thing that a woman could have is a husband who laid on his back 24 hours a day leaving comments on social medias. Super loud with opinions but actually   zero in person. No job. No ambition. Bringing me down when i shared my dreams with him. Not agreeing with every decisions i make. Fuck you man.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Wean Off

Started out with uncomfortable feeling when he nurse. I felt angry at him for hurting me. But it’s not fair to be angry at him.

So on 18th of march, i rubbed garlic on my boob. It worked. It puzzeled him for a few seconds then he asked for milk.

It took him a looong time to go to sleep. The next day 19th of march during his nap time i did the same with garlic. It convinced him this time that nene is icky. 

He couldn’t sleep. So i took him out and we played. Bring him inside and watch blippi.

Finally at 5 pm i grabbed him into my hug the he looked really sleepy. He cried when turn off blippi on the tv.

But as soon as i put him down on the bed and rubbed his legs. He quickly falls asleep. My poor poor child 😢

At night of 19.3 he stopped asking for nene. It’s incredible. Only two times of garlic!

I love you baby. I’ll always love you. It’s been 2 years 6 months + of breastfeeding and now us the time to stop.

It does make you sad when you think about it. But don’t be because it has to happen. There’s nothing dramatic about it. I love you baby 💋

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Bitten by Snake


Me and alex just finished mandi. It was 3 o’clock. I thought it’s been so long we haven’t played in nature. So i brought him out played outside. Feeding me mulberries. 

I wanted to pick long beans i used a stick to scan the area in front of me for snake. But i was bitten by thousands of fire ants instead.

So we moved to parking lot. I thought throwing stoned would be fun. And he loved it. It was his favourite game in the world.

I picked. He picked. I picked he picked. Then he screamed. Pulling his finger from snake. It was a gentle scream. Almost like a little cute complain for something biting him. I saw the snake! In a split second i pulled his finger out of snake’s mouth. Then i just grabbed him inside. My whole world collapsed. I just screamed and screamed. I felt like this is it. This is the end and there’s no more of him.

I ran inside. Called my parents. I said quick quick quick. I lost my mind. I just screamed like crazy. Alex also screamed and cried. I said I’m sorry baby. I’m sorry baby. Then he also cried sorry, sorry. That was very sad.

I ran outside. Thank god abdullah and eyi just arrived. We quickly get in. Abdullah searched for the snake. In the car alex was falling asleep. I just kept waking him up.

3.40 pm got bitten. Around 4 o’clock we arrived. 4.15 finished treatment. We admitted to ward.

Stayed there for one night. Couldn’t sleep. Too many mosquitoes. Crying babies. Alex couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t sleep. It was tiring.

I wore super ugly clothes to the hospital. Super ugly scarf. No makeup at all. It was sad.

Hospital is really a bad experience. But got bitten by snake is even more.