Tuesday, March 27, 2012

North & South!!

This story is magnificent! I loved it!

I've always loved watching delicate romance. And this is exactly what this story delivered. I've waited for so long to watch this. To be honest, i don't believe in other's review. It seems to me that most of these people have different taste. I am fussy about movies/tv series as i watched them with my critical mind switched on. But this story is a success.

I've always loved period dramas. And whatever movies in costume, they would catch my attention better than the modern movies. I love their way of life back then. Not only they were graceful and pretty in beautiful dresses. The ladies were sooo feminine while the men were all gentlemen. I adore them so much.

I guess i cannot fully believe in reviews from others because when i watched them, i found that i didn't like most of their recommendations. But anything that i picked up for myself like Captured Woman Stolen Heart or Firelight... They win my heart so bad that i feel like i want to watch them every day!

And the recommendations that have failed to win my heart so far are Tess of The D'urbervilles with Gemma Arterton in it (i hate Tess' husband, but ended up loving Alex instead! Yes, the one who raped her, i don't know why! That's why i think there's something wrong with it.), Great Expectations (too dark for me), Jane Eyre - 2006 (too slow!), Emma (i really hate how Emma tried to separate her friend from the poor man), i have a lot other tv series that i don't really like. But they were kind of OK for me. BUT, it surprised me that these tv series got H-I-G-H ratings in the iMDB. Hurm....

But there's no greater dissapointment than Wuthering Heights - 2009. It dissapointed me soooo bad!!! First of all, i hate hate hate hate hate the main female character. Heathcliff is alright. But the female character irritates me so bad. It dissapoints me how Heathcliff could love that kind of woman. She's cheap!! And when Heathcliff started going out with her sister in law, she started going mad like an idiot. And acting like a VICTIM! Oh please! I don't understand how people commenting on the series like, it makes my cry whenever i remember it... i recommend this series to every human on earth... bla.. blaa... They were wasting my time. I don't like the main woman character. AT ALL. What's her name anyway?

Back to North and South. It's the best delicate romance you've ever wanted to watch. Trust me. There'd be nothing wrong with it. It's perfect.

I'm inviting you to enjoy this masterpiece. Please...


Sunday, March 11, 2012

My Kota Kinabalu Holiday

I've jut got back from a wonderful holiday. It's Kota Kinabalu!! Went there with a friend. And we've booked the flight from 6-7 months ago. The reason for the long wait is the price. The ticket costs us both only about RM100.00. And we stayed in Tune Hotel. Two nights for about RM13.00 / 2 pax. Wasn't it worth it??

1 Borneo Tune Hotel



We took the 12.20 pm flight and we left home at 5 am! Got a KTM commuter at 6.30 am and reached KL Sentral a few minutes later. After 10 minutes we ride on SkyBus and headed to LCCT. There were not many people yet. And we decided to have a good sit in Mary Brown. Got a couple of iced Milo, two pieces of fried chicken, a cup of coleslaw and a cup of mashed potato. We stayed there for more than three hours. Chatting, surfing the internet and most of the time, i was crocheting a puff stitch beret.

At 12.00 o'clock we went inside and not long after that, we got into the plane. The best highlight of the flight is one flight attendant. The one that got my mouth stuttering words of 'Oh my God, he is so handsome!'. He is damn gorgeous! But it was unlucky for me cos he managed the back side of the plane. While i was sitting on the front side. My seat number was 6A so i got to see the view of Putrajaya, Pekan, South China Sea and Miri. Lucky me! And one thing to mention is, the pilot was so friendly! His name is Harun and he kept talking to us like a tourist guide. He's so sweet!

Bye peninsular

Later we landed on Kota Kinabalu. It's a very nice city. It has a lot of small islands surrounding it's bay. We've got our rented car. The owner charged us RM160 for three days. Supposedly he charged us RM80 for a day. But he said he considered it as two days. So LUCKY us to chose his car! His name is Zihan and i highly recommend his cars if you want to rent a car in Kota Kinabalu. It's definitely worth it.

Outside of the old KK airport

We dropped our bags in Tune Hotel. And took a stroll in the 1 Borneo Hypermall. (Tune Hotel is inside the mall!) So we went to Daiso and Giant. But the bad thing is, there was an AC breakdown going on. I've never experienced going to mall with no electricity. So, it's really not cool. So, in Daiso, we bought a couple pairs of slippers then headed out to Giant to buy some ice cream, burgers and cookies.

That first night, we drove to Filipino Market. It was so crowded. For me, it brought back memories to Kelantan 10-15 years ago. The Padang Bas to be exact. The electric cable was everywhere on the floor. And the hawkers were so similar to hawkers in Kota Bahru back then. They were inviting us whenever we walked pass them. Not to mention, their seafood was so extraordinary. The lobster, the fishes, the squids! They were all yummy. But i was shocked with the price. My mind was full of 'cheap, cheap, cheap seafood.' And, yes, by looking at the condition they were making business, i thought it must be very cheap. But it came to my surprise, it's very expensive! (for me at least. If you're rich, maybe it's just a piece of dirt under your nails.) So, we took a red kerapu, a lobster and a stick of squids. It costs us RM49! My expectation was RM20. What a cheapskate, i know. But people are feeding me with the idea of 'cheap seafood' in Filipino Market. So, now i know the whole world is lying to me! ^^"

Gosh..... But good thing is, their sauce is the greatest sauce i've ever tasted my whole life. For me, it's very exotic. They provide us with limau kasturi, bird's eye chili, soy sauce and a special sauce made of asam jawa. It tasted very nice. I love that meal we had that night. Very satisfying.

Forced myself to eat the last squid  >.<

The star of the night  ^.<

And here, in Filipino market, we started searching for souvenirs. My friend shopped for key chains. While i got myself some pearl bracelets and it's sooo cheap. It's stylish and has an expensive look. Cost me RM15 for one bracelet after bargaining.

But later that night we found out that we got fined by the police for not parking in the right lot. Damn POLICEMAN! And it's not a tiny trouble. It costs us RM100! Damn you POLICE! At my place, there are no policemen walking around at night just to fine people at a crowded place. Take Wakaf Che Yeh for example. The cars are scattering all over the place. But we've never got fined for it. You should take a break and have a walk at some other places. Boo!



The next day, we went to the Museum. We had a great time there. Got a chance to walk into a fake cave with an ancient mysterious coffin in there. And got to see a remain of a whale which is the main focus in there. Also, got to know about two tribes, Kadazandusun and Murut who has head hunters in their community. They literally hunt for enemies heads! So don't mess with them. But it's in the old time. ^^

We also got chance to walk around the Heritage Village. They built houses of main tribes in Sabah. There was also a real house of a Chinese family that has been preserved. So we can walk in and touch all of their belongings. They have two bedrooms, with those ancient pillows and blue pyjamas hanging on the wall. It was so much fun. Cos i think it's almost like walking into Sau Hau's house. ^^

Nice little 'island' over there

Chinese outfit

The wall is really nice

One of the houses. But too afraid to walk in. Too ancient looking.

Then we went to Lok Kawi Wildlife Park. It's a normal tour just like every other zoos can offer. But i think it's not that grand. The best part is we arrived just on time for the animals get feed. So we can see all of them being fed. Especially the tigers. They left a chicken hanging on a rope and let the tiger climbs onto a dead tree and grab the hanging chicken. I recorded that in our camera. ^^ But actually it was so annoying to watch that with a group of Sabahan girls shouting words in English. I know they don't speak English. But what the heck with that kind of attitude. You can hear them shouting from miles away. And singing the Lazy Song to the lazy-looking orangutan. And Gosh, i think she don't even know the lyrics! Well, you know how people behave. You just know when someone do something on purpose. And i knew they do it on purpose. Whenever we walked near them, they'll start shouting words in English to give an impression of urban lifestyle i guess?? I don't know. Maybe they want to impress us from the Peninsular? Yes, it's true, some of people from Sabah really speak English to defend themselves. Like, are you intimidated?? Hey, we don't give a damn about how you live your life or what language you speak. We're not judging and stop being so defensive! Urgh...

Btw, here are some pictures of a very naughty creature. It seems that he don't like zoo's food. ^^


Almost there


Stinky stinky!

Ah, love this guy ^---^

Later that night, we headed off to an eating place. It's just a humble dining area by the sea. With lots of seats across the beach. There is almost no caucasian tourists here. It's 100% local. So we dine in peace. The price is charged as a local. I had seafood fried rice with lychee drink. While my friend had seafood pattaya fried rice and kichang drink (it's a mix of asam boi and lime). They also gave us a tiny bowl of soup for each one of us to have with the fried rice. We had a great dinner that night. With a dim light of an oil lamp. It's very calm and it worth it. Not to forget, they only charged us RM17!! We also asked for two packs of iced water and they gave it for free!!


First thing in the morning, we went to Pasar Tamu Donggongon. Again, i was in search for cheap findings. But the truth is, the prices are higher than the peninsular. Yes, even the local produce is not cheap. It's the same like the ones we find in KL. In fact, Kelantan is way cheaper! But, anyway, we bought ourselves some local belacan, dried fish and dried shrimps. Well, good thing is, dried shrimps is quite cheap for the quality. It's in high quality and the price is considerable.

Done with the market, we went to a Marine Aquarium in UMS. But sad thing is we arrived on lunch hour. So it was closed. We decided to have a lunch on a breezy hill located at Dewan Kuliah Utama or something in UMS. So we had this fresh fish curry with a view of a breezy ocean. It was really nice. But not long as the students suddenly crowded in and kept asking if there was anyone sitting with us at our table. So things got so noisy, we eat fast and let them took our seats. We headed off to the aquarium again.

They charged us RM5 a pax. That place is small but enough to have a nice walk around. Taking pictures and everything. They have this big aquarium with all sorts of fish and a turtle kept soaring in it. They also have this big kerapu fish in another aquarium. Overall it's good.

The most successful picture. It's dark inside and with cheap cameras, it won't look that good.

When we headed out of it, it started raining. But it didn't stop us from dragging ourselves up to the Observatory Hill. If you went straight up, you'll reach Bendera Hill. But since it's raining, it's
quiet dangerous to let the car climb up more. So we took a few pitures there with the scenery of Kota Kinabalu.

Sleepy sea town
Later that evening, we went to KFC to kill the remaining time while waiting for the flight home. I continued my hat crochet. At 7 pm, we headed off to Terminal 2. The car owner has already waited. We stayed at the airport for a few hours, crocheting. Watching a white couple arguing and later made up with each other with a little shopping treat for the gorgeous girlfriend. The flight scheduled on 9.20 was delayed to 9.40. We get into the airplane and heading home. That was no longer an excited flight. In fact, it was a tiring late night flight. Even the flight attendants are tiresome. And the pilot was sooooo lazy. He was not friendly at all. The only thing he said was, it's time to fly and it's time to land. But despite his unfriendlyness, his landing was very safe and sound. Unlike the friendly Harun. LOL... But i love Harun anyway. ^^

The airport that night

As soon as landed, we rushed to SkyBus terminal. Took the bus with other tired looking passengers and even a giggly steward at the back of our seat. I think he was trying to impress this guy next to him. ^^

Since it was already late. 2 am in the morning. We headed to Summerview Hotel. It was a nice stay. It provides breakfast. But i think it's quite disappointing. Most of them were instants. Fishballs, sausages, baked beans. And it was so funny that they serve fried kuetiaw but they mixed it with yellow noodle. What a turn off.

But overall, i love this holiday. Makes me wanting to spend my life on holiday all the time. Full time! And i'll make sure, whenever Airasia offers good price again, we'll definitely be the first to get through their waiting room!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Amanda Seyfried Knits

I didn't know there'd ever be a Hollywood star knitting. Well, now there is! Isn't it cool?

 She must be a continental knitter. Just like me. ;)

She gave Ellen a hat she knitted when she met Ellen on her show. So cute. ^^

Meaning of Japanese Crochet Symbols (COMPLETE)

I have an exciting news! I have found a site that provide almost perfect guide to reading a japanese pattern. I have been searching for this for days now. And i've finally found it!!

Just bookmark it now. Make a folder and start download all the videos. It's very useful!!

I think there is no other site that could link you to this cos i've never discovered one. Until last night i stumbled upon this japanese blog, showing us how to make a hair scrunchies. Yes, i've been 'reading' japanese blogs lately. =^^=

Sooo, here it is. The link to the complete guide of japanese crochet.

CROCHET LESSON - http://www.rakuten.ne.jp/gold/gosyo/lesson/kagi.htm

There's also a knit tutorial which can be found in the website. But i'll provide it anyway. I've never knitted before. But now considering to start doing it. But i think it's better if i could finish a big project in crochet first before moving on to knitting.

KNITTING LESSON - http://www.rakuten.ne.jp/gold/gosyo/lesson/bou.htm

Friday, March 2, 2012

Useful Tips For ABSOLUTE Crochet Beginners

It has been a week since i started crocheting. I'm a self taught crocheter. And i am completely a dummy in this business.

In conclusion, i will be decided that i've known now how to hold the hook and yarn without hurting my fingers. And i've already known how to choose reliable patterns.

For me, my favourite is the japanese pattern. Since it's in diagram/chart form, it's very easy for me to understand. So i highly recommend them for all the crochet beginners. They will turn out great.

My experience in crocheting granny square with diagram pattern from the western people was really bad. It didn't turn out to be square at all. Sure, it was my fault. But really, the diagram is the one that should be blamed. Not only it's not that cute. The hollow in their granny square is small and it's not 'user-friendly' too.

So, for those of you who are extremely an absolute beginner in crocheting like me, i recommend you to use this pattern for granny square. It's the one i got from a japanese book. Iwent browsing through some japanese books in Google Books and i've pirated some of the pages. ^^

In this book, they also teach you how to hold the hook and yarn correctly. I saw the youtube. There's a guy showing you how to hold the yarn and hook. I tried it and it hurt me very bad. I think, if you're a guy. There'll be no problem for you to hold it like that. But for ladies, especially the one who has small hands, hmm... we should hold it like this. It's better and safer. Much much comfortable. But after all, it depends on you. I even saw this lady holding yarn awkwardly but she's a crochet guru on youtube.