My third novel is something cool to write. I just can't wait to start writing it. I'm sure it'll be nice. It's more dramatic. With twisted love stories (though i don't really like a direct love stories, but that's what markets want!) and some family and countryside stories. I just can't wait to start it. It must be blissful writing it. I hope I won't have so many writer's blocks in this third project. I want to set a target.
Sounds crazy huh? Well, it's a challenge folks!
As for the second novel. I'm done with the marking. Currently i need to continue making corrections on the pages at the back. And needs to put an ending to it. Which may be need two days. If i do it constantly. Which could only works once in a blue moon. (Yea, sometimes i'd go crazy like that when i'm depressed or something. I'm crazy. Haha...)
Huhhhhh... Can't wait to finish the second novel and start writing the third!