Tuesday, March 22, 2016

He deserves it

Car broke down. He used bus. He said people called him Pakistani.

He should learn something about class. He is not classy.

Divorce. He can't be changed. He's low class. If I can't get along with that person, i tend to cut him off of my life. So that's what i wish i could do.

If he is classy, he should buy a new car. Being stylish. Be confident.

Can't eat our food. Learn to cook.

Can't live here. Find a way to get us out of here.

Monday, March 21, 2016


I miss flirts.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Its ok

If customer try to get an upper hand, i should take over with a QUESTION.

It's okay. Don't get upset. One day I'll get used to it. It's okay for customers to get upset with you. At least they give you money.